Thursday, January 17, 2013


As I'm sure we all know actor River Phoenix, brother of Joaquin, tragically died back in 1993. Although the 1993 film The Thing Called Love was known as his final completed film, it looks like there'll be a new film taking the title soon. DARK BLOOD is a project that River had filmed scenes for but, due to his passing, was thought to stay forever incomplete. Director George Sluizer  however had other plans. 

20 years later he has finally revived, finished and polished the film and has readied it for a North American premiere at this year's Miami International Film Festival in March. The film had a showing at last year's Dutch Film Festival and received a standing ovation. If you aren't already interested I'm sure you will be after checking out Sluizer's plot synopsis:

"Dealing with nuclear testing and its long-lasting deadly effects, the story portrays Boy (Phoenix), a young widower living in the desert on a nuclear testing site. Living as a hermit, he waits for the end of the world carving Katchina dolls that he believes have magical powers. While traveling on a "second" honeymoon across the Arizona desert, the car of a Hollywood jet-set couple breaks down. They are rescued by Boy, who holds them prisoners because he desires the woman and wants to create a better world with her."

If the reaction is as strong as it was at the Dutch Film Festival perhaps Dark Blood will be picked up for a theatrical release in North America. Otherwise we may have to wait until a blu-ray/DVD release date is announced to get our eyes and ears on this one.

Phoenix from Stand By Me

Source: EW

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